A Family Holiday On Mars

After the release of the critically acclaimed film The Martian, shot on location in Wadi Rum, the Jordan Tourism Board released the above video where an imaginative little American girl travels to Mars on her family vacation to Jordan. Often used in Hollywood films as the Mars location, Wadi Rum has made quite an impression […]

Amman Photo Scavenger Hunt

If you’ve signed up for the Amman photo scavenger hunt, here are a few things you’ll need to know:

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  • Each team needs to bring at least one digital camera with a time stamp set to local time.
  • We will rendezvous at the Citadel parking lot at 11:00am.
  • At said parking lot, your […]

Travel and the Bliss of Rediscovery

Familiarity has a tendency to make our everyday experiences seem banal; a commute to work, a neighborhood park, a bag of chips… Actually, it’s difficult to imagine a bag of chips not seeming trite.

It’s only when we experience a dramatically unfamiliar place, and then return home that we are able to see with fresh […]

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