What is Ecotourism?

The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as the “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education” (TIES, 2015). Unfortunately, mass tourism can often be harmful to an environment. Even the most well intentioned travelers can unknowingly leave […]

Combine Fitness and Travel in Jordan – Engaging Cultures Travel – Press Release

Combine Fitness and Travel in Jordan

Engaging Cultures Travel has created a Fitness and Adventure tour that promotes healthy lifestyle, pursuit of adventure and crossing the lines of borders and cultures through fitness and travel.

Engaging Cultures’ 7 Day Jordan Fitness/Adventure Tour was hand-crafted to connect guests to the local CrossFit Crescent Box, give them an […]

Amman Photo Scavenger Hunt

If you’ve signed up for the Amman photo scavenger hunt, here are a few things you’ll need to know:

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  • Each team needs to bring at least one digital camera with a time stamp set to local time.
  • We will rendezvous at the Citadel parking lot at 11:00am.
  • At said parking lot, your […]
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